Who wants to be a R(aw) M(aterial) ambassador?

Thirty pupils from primary and secondary schools from 5 European countries (Greece, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania) participated online in the educational interactive question game “Who wants to be a R(aw) M(aterial) ambassador?”, which was organized at the Mineralogical Museum gaio-ORAMA of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, on Thursday 3.12.2020, in the framework of the European Program RM@Schools ESEE.

The design and development of the game “Who wants to be a R(aw) M(aterial) ambassador?”, was partially based on the well-known video game “Who wants to be a millionaire”. The 30 questions of graded difficulty, are related to Mineral Raw Materials topics, with emphasis on their modern uses and applications, while the correct answers are accompanied by informative elements, giving educational content to the game. The selection of the 2 main “players” was done randomly through a relevant online application, while all pupils participated in the game as “audience help”, through online voting.

The game “Who wants to be a R(aw) M(aterial) ambassador?”, was presented for the first time, as part of a European student conference, in Bologna, in November 2019, while this year it was adapted into an online version, with enriched content and improved graphics.

The development of the game was done by M. Perraki: Deputy Professor, P.Tsangaratos: Dr./Laboratory Teaching Staff , I. Elias: Dr. Geologist, who also edited the graphics, and V. Skliros: PhD candidate.